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Number 1 in France, Vatel ranked 11th in Hospitality & Leisure Management according to the QS World University Rankings by subject - Vatel

Number 1 in France, Vatel ranked 11th in Hospitality & Leisure Management according to the QS World University Rankings by subject

Vatel Hospitality & Tourism Business School attained a new academic achievement by ranking 11th in the world in the “QS World University Rankings” in Hospitality & Leisure Management, by subject, for the year 2022, out of 150 universities worldwide.


Number 1 in France

Vatel Hospitality & Tourism Business School attained a new academic achievement by ranking 11th in the world in the “QS World University Rankings” in Hospitality and Leisure Management, by subject, for the year 2022, out of 150 universities worldwide. Vatel has advanced 8 places this year, after it ranked 19th in the year 2021, making it number 1 in France.

Sh. Khaled bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, General Director of Vatel Bahrain

Mr. Paul d’Azémar, Director International Network

The General Director of Vatel Bahrain, Shaikh Khaled bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, considered that this new international classification is a culmination of the efforts undertaken by Vatel through its exceptional and unique academic and practical practices.

The program offered is of the highest quality in accordance with international standards to ensure that the educational outcomes meet the demands of the local, regional, and international market. This classification is also a distinction for the Kingdom of Bahrain in attracting this prestigious academic monument in the field of hospitality and hotel management.

Khaled Al Khalifa stated that the college enjoys a unique teaching and learning method, with 50% theoretical study that takes place through academic classes on the college campus, while the other 50% is in practical applications.

Khaled Al Khalifa indicated that the students receive their practical training with the highest skilled professionals in 4 and 5 star hotels in the Kingdom of Bahrain, France and an array of countries around the world.

He stressed that this global achievement is reflected on the students of Vatel Bahrain by developing their knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of hospitality and providing them with practical experience as part of their curricula with the aim of developing young competent Bahraini and non-Bahraini graduates who are interested in the growing field of hospitality.

Mr. Paul d’Azémar, the Director of the International Network of Vatel Group, praised this new academic achievement, stressing that this triumph constitutes an incentive to move forward towards the development and growth to promote the reputation of students and graduates and the college’s academic progress worldwide in the field of Hospitality.

He confirmed the keenness of Vatel in continuing the efforts to develop the quality of the academic programs so that the college maintains international standards by sustaining the college's strategies and values worldwide.

The Vatel Group is the 1st Worldwide Business School Group in Hospitality and Tourism Management since its establishment 41 years ago in 1981, the college has more than 9,000 students, 54 campuses, and more than 39,000 alumni worldwide.

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